Harcourts Auctions introduced a new approach to real estate in the United States, giving buyers a transparent opportunity to get the home of one’s dreams.
The Problem
The real estate industry in the United States is one of the most lucrative markets in the world and it comes with thousands of real estate investors and agents who only have their eyes on one thing: money. The lower barrier of entry makes the real estate market incredibly competitive, which makes it even more difficult for a buyer to land the home she or he desires.
Ben Brady, the Director of Auctions at Harcourts Auctions (previously called Brady & Co. Auctions), saw the perfect opportunity to bring auctions from Australia to the US and turned to Movetic to help elevate the brand.
The Approach
Around 2006 to 2007, the American economy was blindsided by the Housing Market Crash. Due to this crisis, many individuals were forced to foreclose homes when the bank took over and sold them via auction.
Harcourts wanted to overcome the perception and negative connotation that comes with auctions in the United States. Our team at Movetic wanted to fully understand the process, the benefits of selling and buying through auctioning, and the fears of potential buyers using this process so we could develop an appropriate strategy for the brand. We met with over 20 different real estate agents and people who were unfamiliar with auctioning, as well as the employees at Harcourts. Then, we crafted a blueprint to craft an original web experience and powerful messaging for the Harcourts brand.
- //Logomark
- //Logotype
- //Color Palette
- //Typography
- //Identity Design
Since having ongoing success in Australia and New Zealand, Harcourts Auctions, formerly Brady & Co. Auctions, sought out a US-based firm to introduce a new identity, tailored messaging, and a suite of creative solutions to break Harcourts Auctions into the market. After numerous internal creative meetings and moodboard presentations, our team dove right in to bring Harcourts’ vision to life. Movetic sketched out our concepts by transferring our ideas from pencil to paper and created Harcourts’ identity complemented with powerful and persuasive messaging.
The logos and other elements such as color palette, typography and graphics were immensely important for this project so our team made sure to keep everything buttoned up and consistent. We wanted people to create an identity for Harcourts that fully communicated the professionalism of the company. We went with a strong, bold and powerful appearance that allows Harcourts to stand out from the competitors.

- //Tagline & Living Lines
- //Elevator Speech
- //Brand Story
- //Culture Values (Mission, Vision, Core Values)
- //Service Messaging (Buying & Selling at Auction)
Persuasive messaging was the key for Harcourts Auctions because people want to buy into brands that stand for something more than just the profit. Our team stripped down Harcourts’ Auctions story and revealed exactly what they care about and why it matters to them. And when you’re buying at an auction, you want a company like Harcourts who cares about the lives of the customers.
The transparency and authenticity of Harcourts Auctions was important to communicate in the messaging because it creates trust in the company and translates to sales. To have consistent messaging elements expresses an organization inside and out for the Harcourts Auctions brand.

- //Business Cards
- //Letterhead
- //Why Auction Flyer
- //Guidebooks (Selling & Buying)
- //PowerPoints
- //Infographics
- //Sales Sheets
- //Email Design & Development
Our team developed a set of tangible items where people can experience the brand first-hand. To maintain consistency throughout the brand, we used the same custom logo, textures, and color palette of the brand’s identity.
We designed business cards, a letterhead, both selling and buying guide books, PowerPoints, infographics, sales sheets, email design and development, and a “Why Auction” flyer. All of these touchpoints help with the visibility in the Harcourts brand as well as build trust in the brand.

- //Website Design
- //Website Development
- //WordPress CMS
We build a robust website using the latest technology and develop a scalable platform for Harcourts Auctions to enable them to edit key elements of the website and create more efficiencies in-house. For the website experience, we used personalized, high-quality imagery and multimedia to effectively illustrate the Harcourts Auction story. Strategically, we created educational services pages (buying and selling), an on-the-market hub, and recent success pages to showcase experience to validate the new and innovative auction platform. We also integrated all forms into one central hub to make it easier to collect names, email, phone numbers, and other critical specific information making the client’s lives easier.

- //Art Direction
- //Photography
- //Videography
Through leveraging our skills in photography and videography, we were able to capture personalized and authentic media to be used consistently across the brand’s touch points. After countless hours of planning and strategizing, coming up with a compelling story, spending three days filming with the Harcourts Auction team, and editing for weeks. As an output of our hard work, we captured lifestyle imagery, event imagery, two educational videos (buying and selling), and one main captivating brand video.
The results are in...
houses sold out of 642 houses equaling a 92.5% clearance rate
page views/month - started with 100 views/month
pages viewed per session
average session duration
conversion rate on Lead Forms
Markets in the U.S.A.
increase in business since coming to the states