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Introducing the Stay Moving Collection: Movetic Apparel is here

Today marks something extremely special for us here at Movetic. Over the past 3 months, we have been working on our very first apparel line.

June 23, 2022


Made by Creatives for Creatives

Introducing the Stay Moving Collection: a sustainable, pre-order offering of apparel in collaboration with Everpress. Made by creatives for creatives, the first collection consists of a diverse selection of seven pieces. The pieces are meant to inspire and promote creativity, progress, and the entrepreneurial spirit on a mission to empower creativity for all.

Who is Everpress?

Everpress is a cutting-edge clothing production company that believes traditional retail is broken and is making strides to change the game in sustainability and ethical production. Everpress will be printing, shipping, and fulfilling all our orders, so we can focus on creating more.

How does the pre-order model work?

The pre-order model reduces waste and cost. Thanks to the accuracy of the pre-order model – we only print exactly what’s sold, which means fewer tees made, and fewer tees wasted. EverPress has already saved over 336 million liters of water and over 124,000 tees from landfills.

One Collection, 7 Designs

Check out below for the collection which features 7 designs. They all communicate ideas of creativity, imagination, progression, reality and a never-ending need for what’s next.

The campaign lasts only three weeks so buy them asap before it ends. 


Live To Create

We live to create, pushing ourselves to new heights of progression. Creators challenge expectations and hope to inspire & ignite passion in others.

Everything You Can Imagine Is Real

Everything you can imagine is real. Reality is what you create it to be. Seeing beauty in everyday forms, objects and landscapes help us appreciate everything around us and gives us the inspiration to create more beauty for the world to see. – The world of reality has its limits. The world of imagination is boundless.

Dreamers Of A Dream

We enter the mind of all creators, those who can dream up something magical in their heads and have the ability to make it a reality. “Dreamers of a dream” is a quote from poet Arthur O’Shaughnessy in which he refers to creators as dreamers lost in the world of imagination and creativity. They are the movers and shakers of the world who always explore, never letting their inspirations be static.

We Are All True Originals

We are all true originals. When born into this world, you were given a blank canvas to invent yourself and create the person you want to be. Don’t fall in line with society’s norms and expectations and become a carbon copy of the template the world wants you to be. Do you, express yourself, and create your reality.

Create Your Own Reality

Creativity allows us to bend things that most people see as straight lines. We can create the world around us by seeing everything from a different perspective and using our imagination to transform the mundane into awe-inspiring.

Movement + Aesthetics

The ultimate combination that creates progression, beauty, and growth in this world. As creatives, we all strive for constant movement and progress with a constant goal to make the world a more beautiful place. “Movetic” was created from the words Movement + Aesthetics and will always define the foundation on which the company operates.

Spark The Flame

One of our core missions is to spark the flame of imagination and ignite creativity in everyone around us. We strive to promote creativity in everyone, including those who believe they’re “not creative.” We all have imagination and creativity; we need to spark the flame. The only world worth living in is a world full of expression and artistry.

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