Movetic Take: 10 Year Edition

As we celebrate 10 years of igniting brands, join us for both a reflective dive into the journey that has shaped Movetic’s bold path and a look into our visions for the future.

August 23, 2024


It’s been 10 years of moving brands forward.

10 years of inspiring our world through creativity. 

10 years of delivering award-winning work. 

10 years of igniting the ambitiously bold. 

As we usher in a new decade, let us look back at the journey we took to get here and understand this milestone’s significance on our creative collective with this month’s Movetic Take. 

  1. What is your most memorable moment or achievement at Movetic over the past 10 years (or however long you’ve been on the team), and why does it stand out to you?

It’s hard to pinpoint just one moment, but what truly resonates with me is the extraordinary impact of a decade of unwavering commitment and the relentless drive of this team. We’ve pushed ourselves every single day for 10 years, and it has resulted in something truly remarkable. I’ve had the privilege of witnessing the immense growth of each team member across our brand, web, and content projects.

To me, true success is found in valuing each moment and consistently choosing to improve by challenging ourselves with every project, every day. My goal has always been to do right by others, collaborate with incredible people, and create outstanding work together.

What can you achieve in ten years? The possibilities are endless when you focus on the present, work hard, and never stop striving for greatness.

  1. How has the company culture evolved since you first joined, and what aspects do you believe have had the most significant impact on our success?

For starters, I am incredibly grateful for the team. We collaborate seamlessly, and I feel fortunate to work alongside them every day.Just as times have changed, so has our company culture, but we’ve cultivated something truly special—a team united by shared core values, passion, and grit. We’re all in it to win it together.

  1. What projects have been most transformative for Movetic, and how have they shaped our growth and direction?

I would say creating and launching Skrewball Whiskey. That was our first big success story, and it just goes to show if you trust the process, do things differently, and embrace empathy—you can do anything! 

Skrewball Whiskey has been a massive springboard for us internally and has enabled us to work with a lot of alcohol and consumer-facing brands. I am forever grateful to Brittany and Steven for trusting us to bring their idea to life. 

  1. Looking ahead, what are your hopes and aspirations for Movetic in the next decade, and what role do you see yourself playing in that future?

Inspire businesses and individuals to adopt a mindset of innovation and creativity. I aim to be a driving force for change and transformation across companies of all sizes.

In today’s constantly shifting business environment, my mission is to motivate others to embrace calculated risks and consistently push beyond the norm. At Movetic, strategy and creativity are at the heart of everything we do, and I’m eager to collaborate with those who are ready to challenge conventional expectations—both within their organizations & amongst culture.

  1. What is your most memorable moment or achievement at Movetic over the past 10 years (or however long you’ve been on the team), and why does it stand out to you?

One of my most memorable moments was when we took on Skrewball Whiskey as a client in our early years. At that time, we were still proving ourselves, both to others and to ourselves, that we could compete in the big leagues. Screwball was just a startup then, but witnessing their success and seeing our branding foundation implemented in such a strong and cohesive manner has been my favorite achievement. It’s super rewarding to see the tangible impact of our work as it lives on and takes on a life of its own.

  1. How has the company culture evolved since you first joined, and what aspects do you believe have had the most significant impact on our success?

Our company culture has evolved a ton over the years! From remote work to office life, through a pandemic, and back to remote, we’ve experienced it all. Despite these changes, we’ve always maintained a core identity within our culture, characterized by team members who share similar interests, mindsets, and a genuine passion for what they do. This common thread is what motivates us every morning to create amazing things together. I believe our quarterly team outings have had the most significant impact on our success because they allow us to reconnect on both business and personal levels, brainstorm in person, and simply have a good time together.

  1. What projects have been most transformative for Movetic, and how have they shaped our growth and direction?

Projects like Lyft for web, Crocs for content, and Skrewball for branding have been the most transformative for Movetic. These projects pushed us out of our comfort zone and allowed us to hone our skills. By overcoming these challenges, we have developed a fearless attitude, knowing that we can create outstanding work for any company. These experiences have shaped our growth and direction, reinforcing our belief in our capabilities.

  1. Looking ahead, what are your hopes and aspirations for Movetic in the next decade, and what role do you see yourself playing in that future?

I envision Movetic being known for creating brands and experiences that stand out from the crowd, forever applying our “ambitiously bold” stance. I also want us to be recognized for our integrity, good business practices, and for being a group that people genuinely enjoy working with. Our attention to detail, commitment to quality, and down-to-earth personalities have played a big role in our success so far, and I want to build on that foundation.

Personally, I aspire to help Movetic grow into something more than just a branding agency. I want to educate and empower the future of creatives and create a brand that creatives can rally around and connect with. This includes exploring publications, podcasts, events, clothing, and public art. I want to help cultivate a creative community that extends beyond our immediate work, making a lasting impact on the industry and society. 

  1. What is your most memorable moment or achievement at Movetic over the past 10 years (or however long you’ve been on the team), and why does it stand out to you?

Being trusted to be the main photographer on Will Perform’s brand shoot. This one is an important time to me because although I had been a part of all of the shoots leading up to this one, this is the first shoot that I openly put myself out there to be the first shot, and the team trusted me to take on that role. That opened doors for future shoots at Movetic for me.

  1. How has the company culture evolved since you first joined, and what aspects do you believe have had the most significant impact on our success?

When I first joined, we did have an office, though we didn’t use it much at all. Once the office was no longer a meeting point, we all started getting together more for coffee shop work days, happy hour drinks, baseball games — etc. We really had to make more of an effort to see each other outside of the workplace, which brought us all closer.

  1. What projects have been most transformative for Movetic, and how have they shaped our growth and direction?

It goes without saying that Skrewball and Celsius put us on the map, but some of the most transformative projects for Movetic have been the ones that no one may know of. The ones where the team really had to put egos aside and come together to figure out tough situations. Those are where we grow the most and learn for the next project.

  1. Looking ahead, what are your hopes and aspirations for Movetic in the next decade, and what role do you see yourself playing in that future?

My hopes and aspirations for Movetic are not necessarily tangible items, clients, or projects. I look at it more like, how can we improve upon what we have already built? Every project, we work a little more seamlessly together. The future of Movetic is a well-oiled machine, where each partner has peace of mind knowing we are the best for the job. And my hope for myself is that our internal team and partners feel at ease knowing I am working with them.

  1. What is your most memorable moment or achievement at Movetic over the past 10 years (or however long you’ve been on the team), and why does it stand out to you?

When I started at Movetic in 2017 I was a big fan of React and wanted to incorporate it into our projects, but at the time we just didn’t have client projects that fit the mold. That would later become a reality a few years later where a few client projects got built with React and NextJs, so making our first few client sites and expanding our technology stack capabilities was that achievement for me. We won a gold American Advertising Award for our first project also!

  1. How has the company culture evolved since you first joined, and what aspects do you believe have had the most significant impact on our success?

With every project we’ve worked on, I feel like everyone’s confidence has grown. Early on at Movetic we really stuck to our core competencies of doing what we were good at and didn’t veer too much outside of our lane so to speak. But over time as we get wins with clients and work through the business problems they face, there’s a confidence there team-wide that’s rooted in experience that there isn’t a problem we can’t solve anymore

  1. What projects have been most transformative for Movetic, and how have they shaped our growth and direction?

The projects that stand out are:

  • Skrewball – the first client that I felt really trusted us and leaned into the process to let us do great work, and I feel like that got a truly authentic 5-star brand as a result. Really showed off our capabilities on the branding side
  • Celsius – transformative brand + web project that also took us into the content space and built a lot of confidence with the team internally
  • Hurley Auctions – proof of concept for a complex headless React site that can share data to and from multiple sources
  1. Looking ahead, what are your hopes and aspirations for Movetic in the next decade, and what role do you see yourself playing in that future?

10 years is a lot of years, it’s basically impossible to predict how websites will even be built then. Hopefully, the technology world at large doesn’t force me to learn a VR Javascript framework by then. But in all seriousness let’s make some aspirations a reality, I’d like to work on projects that: see a rebrand for a legacy Fortune 500 company that’s ready to make a bold change, a rebrand that helps propel a company into the Fortune 1000, and a project for a music festival.

Other than that, I’d love to work on continually improving on our processes so that we can just keep helping more people. See how we can scale our success to help brands at every level.

  1. What is your most memorable moment or achievement at Movetic over the past 10 years (or however long you’ve been on the team), and why does it stand out to you?

The day we decided to advance our development stack to React.js and Next.js was pivotal. We committed to something new and learned on the fly, which ultimately led to a very successful outcome that paved the way for a deeper understanding of our own engineering capabilities.

  1. How has the company culture evolved since you first joined, and what aspects do you believe have had the most significant impact on our success?

Switching to remote work was a wild ride initially, but we found a silver lining. Team outings became unique opportunities to truly connect outside of work and just focus on having fun together.

  1. What projects have been most transformative for Movetic, and how have they shaped our growth and direction?

Our journey with Next.js began with Movetic Labs and Fox Point Farms. These projects were our proving grounds, building our confidence in developing modern web applications and gaining stronger confidence in our ability to create new online experiences.

  1. Looking ahead, what are your hopes and aspirations for Movetic in the next decade, and what role do you see yourself playing in that future?

Looking ahead, I hope we continue to embrace the latest in emerging technologies and evolving AI, crafting distinctive online experiences that help others and build a reputation for high-quality craftsmanship. I aspire to grow as an expert creative technologist, balancing a keen mind and sharp eye for development & design as we keep moving forward toward our future.

  1. What is your most memorable moment or achievement at Movetic over the past 10 years (or however long you’ve been on the team), and why does it stand out to you?

There are so many memorable moments and achievements that our team has had in the past 10 years so it’s hard to highlight just one. We’ve worked with so many amazing partners and finished so many successful projects that I’m not sure one is better than the other. I do think our team working together during the pandemic and figuring out how to maneuver that very strange and uncertain time is a pretty amazing accomplishment. We had to adapt to working from home, figuring out the best means of communication and workflow that allowed our team to work efficiently, together. Not only did we do that, we managed to excel and complete some really amazing projects that I’m very proud of today. In the end, the pandemic allowed our team to grow together and become stronger as a unit, which gave us so much confidence. Knowing we could grind through that time gives me confidence that we can do anything as a team.

  1. How has the company culture evolved since you first joined, and what aspects do you believe have had the most significant impact on our success?

Our company culture has been second to none. One thing that will never go unappreciated is our leadership that not only cares about the team as a whole but really focuses on how to help each individual member grow. We’re a team that always listens to each other which has allowed us to continue to improve our processes and workflows so that everyone can work efficiently but in a way that is comfortable for them. This malleability within our team has allowed us to adapt to changes within the creative industry and has been one key impact on our success.

  1. What projects have been most transformative for Movetic, and how have they shaped our growth and direction?

Every project teaches us something and we really learn and grow together through them. One project that stands out would be Lyft, which taught us that our small team can not only work with huge well-known companies, but we can absolutely knock it out of the park with them. I would also say that working on graphics for Quentin Tarantino’s podcast was great because it taught us that even if we’ve never worked within a certain medium, we can come together as a team to figure it out and absolutely deliver an amazing end result. Both of those projects showed us that we can work with anyone and can do anything as a team and that gives us a lot of confidence going into any project.

  1. Looking ahead, what are your hopes and aspirations for Movetic in the next decade, and what role do you see yourself playing in that future?

The sky is the limit for our Movetic team and I truly believe that. There isn’t an obstacle that we can’t overcome and we’ve proved that to ourselves time and & time again. That being said, I know that the future will bring a ton of new and exciting projects that have their own unique challenges which our team will be able to solve and overdeliver on. As for my role, I see myself always being a part of the creative process, whether that is getting my hands dirty in the actual design stages or providing guidance and feedback to other designers to help them grow and excel within that project.

  1. What is your most memorable moment or achievement at Movetic over the past 10 years (or however long you’ve been on the team), and why does it stand out to you?

Oh so many, even though I’m one of the newest to join this long-standing team. So I’ll re-share the story I was telling to my hairdresser just the other day, as we chatted about our different qualities, and what made us that way.

When I first started at Movetic, I had a lot of room to grow in confidently sharing my creative ideas and opinions. How could I not have imposter syndrome when joining such an insanely talented, experienced group of creatives?

From the get-go, in many little moments, Josh encouraged me to listen to myself and speak my mind. He taught me how to confidently pitch my creative ideas, encouraging me of the value and importance of them all. I’ll never forget the little moments where I started answering questions and making decisions more confidently and he would cheer me on, motivating me to keep doing that. He made me feel like my thoughts, ideas, and opinions were just as important as everyone else’s from day one (no exaggeration), and because of that, I’ve come so far.

It stands out to me because it’s such a great example of how great leaders, like Josh, empower you to do your best work. And he does that for a whole team of us every day. And that’s why we’re so great.

  1. How has the company culture evolved since you first joined, and what aspects do you believe have had the most significant impact on our success?

As one of the noobs, I’m taking the liberty to just gush about the culture as it is now. But, how much time do I have? I have so many thoughts on how our culture drives our success.

Josh and Andrew have done an incredible job of building a team of genuinely good people, who are passionate about what they do, and all gel. I really freaking enjoy each human on our team and feel blessed to get to work with them every day. This also extends to the partners we get to work with — so many genuinely good people. I can never believe how great they are, how passionate each of them is about what they do, and the fact that we get to create with them.

When challenges come our way, Josh and Andrew lead with extreme positivity, always, I’ve never seen anything like it. It makes everything better and always unites us and hypes us up to take on any hurdle.

Beyond that, I’ve never been a part of a company culture that makes it this comfortable to be myself every day at work. This is really important because creativity takes a lot of vulnerability and raw self- expression.

Reflect on the Past Decade of Movetic With Us

In laid-back Mission Beach, a dream was born from the desire to stand out in a sea of sameness. A decade later, we’re feeling nostalgic and downright grateful for everyone who has been a part of this ride. Our gratitude for our pivotal moments and most defining projects is at an all-time high. Join us in strolling down memory lane and RSVP to our celebration.

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